Forgotten Coast en Plein Air | A Plein Air Event Like No Other

January 31, 2022

America’s Great Paint-Out

Experience a plein air event like no other with the 17th Annual Forgotten Coast en Plein Air, known as one of the world’s most prestigious plein air events. This invitational event features internationally acclaimed artists along with several of ‘Florida’s Finest en Plein Air” artists honored as Plein Air Ambassadors. As the event continues, organizers are focusing on what makes this Forgotten Coast event exceptional.

“With plein air events popping up all over the country, we realize the importance of focusing on quality and relevance. We have developed a three-year program, transcending typical event content to focus on the reason why plein air painting is important, as well as how the process and the paintings contribute to a region’s resilience,” states FCenPA Board President, Joe Taylor.

Trademarks of this 10-day festival continue to be artistic excellence and the production of investment quality art. Expect to find expanded exhibits, collectors Packages, exciting receptions with the artists, and surprises that will be fresh and new to the plein air community!